e Muslimah Boutique in ' Majalah Dara '
Thank to Karangkraf Group ( for publishing e Muslimah Boutique collection in their Megazine for JANUARY EDITION. Refer to page 36-39 for our collection. Do get you copy to view the collections.
Our Website :
Thx again.
emb editor.
e Muslimah Boutique dot com
For latest Butik Muslimah Collection PROMOTION, do refer to our official website at . Personal, corporate, family and agent ordering are welcome.
Do also look for us in facebook at Butik Muslimah or eMuslimahBoutique.
From eMB family, we wish all, A Happy New Year 2011. May all of us showered with rahmah & barakah from Allah SWT Dunia & Akhirat.
We promise only high quality fabric & workmanship in our store.
Opening Sale
e Muslimah Boutique Opening Sale Promotion still ON till 27 DEC 2010.
Do visit us at Sungai Ara, Penang to view and buy our collection.
Tel no : 013-3535-357.
May Allah bless us always.
Booth at UIA Gombak 21 - 24 DEC 2010
e Muslimah Boutique ( eMB) will be opening our promotional booth at UIA, Gombak ( Kuala Lumpur, Selangor) this week. Do visit us there to see our collection and pick up your chooice.
* Our Boutique in Sungai Ara, Penang will be opening as normal (just call us if you would like to view the collection - if you see no one around).
Boutique Opening News - 19 DEC 2011
From e Muslimah Boutique (eMB), we would like to thanks our family members, friends, agents & customers for helping, visiting & joining us for the opening ceremony. The event was very succesful and we are very lucky to have our honourbale guest, Ibu Devi Afiati & her Husband - The Founder of Qirani collection in Indonesia, able to join us for the ceremony. Most of our collection are from which, we are 1 of the distributor in Malaysia.
Thx also to Kariah Surau Seri Delima, Sg Ara, Pulau Pinang who joined and performed 'tahlil' and prayer before the ceremony.
Also thx to rumah Anak Kesayanganku, Sungai Ara for joining our opening ceremony.
We would like to take this opportunity to also thx our great friends from Nazaria Motoring Club at who came all over Malaysia to join us the ceremony. They shoudl be on the way back to their hometown right now. Wish you all wonderful and save journey, till we meet again in next event.
May Allah bless all for helping us in this event and provide His rahmah & barakah to all of us Dunia & Akhirat.
* Our opening sale still on till end of this week. Do call us (013-3535357) to visit or just sent us a note for online ordering.
Boutique Opening - Sungai Ara, Bayan Lepas, Penang.
Assalamualaikum wbt,
May Allah bless all of us with his Rahmah and Barakah Dunia & Akhirat.
Dear all,
We are from e Muslimah Boutique ( eMB ) family, we would like to invite all our friends, families member, agents & customers to join us for our Boutique Opening Ceremony this weekend on 19 DEC 2010 at 50, Lintang Bayan 10, Sg Ara, Bayan Lepas, 11900 Penang.
Hope to see all there.
Thx in advance.
At Pusat Asasi UIA - Masjid Putra Nilai
Alhamdulillah, this week (6th - 10th Dec 2010), we will be at in front of Pusat Asasi IIUM in Nilai once again, in front of Masjid Putra Nilai.
All are welcome to visit us.
Jemputan Ke Majlis Perasmian E-Muslimah Boutique
Kami dari E-Muslimah Boutique Enterprise dengan segala hormatnya menjemput semua yang melawat laman web kami ke Majlis Perasmian & Doa Selamat Bersempena Perasmian E-Muslimah Boutique (EMB) Cawangan Penang oleh Yth Ibu Devi Trisna Afiti dan suami - pengasas Qirani Collection daripada Indonesia.
InshaAllah kami akan mengadakan Jualan Promosi Sempena Pembukaan EMB. Disamping itu juga kami turut akan meraikan dan menyampaikan sedikit bantuan kepada lebih kurang 30 orang anak-anak yatim dan golongan asnaf dari Rumah Anak Kesayangan, Sg Ara, Penang. Sesiapa yang berhasrat untuk menyumbang atau terdapat sebarang pertanyaan lanjut bolehlah menghubungi kami di talian 013-35 35 357 / 013- 53 53 538 atau melalui email kami .
At UNISEL, Batang Berjuntai, Selangor
InsyaAllah, hujung minggu ni sehinga 22 Nov, eMB akan berada di UNISEL sempena pesta Konvokesyen di Batang Berjuntai. Addrs : UNISEL, Jalan Timur Tambahan, Berjuntai Bistari, 45600 Batang Berjuntai, Selangor.
Wassalam & selamat Hari Raya Aidiladha
dari warga kerja eMB.
At Pusat Asasi UIA - Masjid Putra Nilai
This week till 13 NOV 2010, we will be at Carnival Raudah in Nilai, in front of Masjid Putra Nilai.
Do visit us to get our promotional price before this coming Hari Raya Aidiladha
Agent and dealer are also welcome to visit us.
Hadis Qudsi - Amaran Allah
Semoga kita sentiasa beringat selagi rahmat Allah besama kita.
Booth at USIM ECAFEST, NIlai, Negeri Sembilan.
As promised earlier, InsyaAllah, we will be at PKP, USIM (Uni Sc Islam Malaysia), Nilai for ECAFEST this coming 25th & 26th Oct 2010. Welcome to visit us to get an attractive prices for all our collections. Special discount rate for our quality Telekung / Mukena - limited design available, while stock last.
wassalam,eMB editor.
Oct Promotion - Free shipping
As appreciation to our customers, we will absorb all the shipping cost to any part of Peninsular Malaysia till end of Oct 2010. It mean FREE SHIPPING for all.
For Sabah & Serawak, discounted rate will be provided depending on the qty ordered. Do visit our website for cataloq viewing & call/email us for order.... hurry, while stock last.
At ICEPS 6 - Nilai, Negeri Sembilan
This weekend, eMB opened it promotional booth at Konvensyen Keusahawanan Islam iCEPS 6 (from friday till sunday) ; 8, 9 10 Oct 2010, in Nilai, Negeri Sembilan.
See all there,
Gegaria Harian Metro - Extra promotional Booth
We have 1 extra (only) booth can be shared with others during this Carnival. Do contact us (013-3535-357) for more info & do act fast to secure the place. Expected huge crowd to attend as it was well known carnival throughout the country & advertised in new papers, radios and TVs.
emb editor.
Agen are Welcome
eMB welcoming all direct buyers and also potential agent, who would like to start their on biz with eMB. With 1st purchase of 30pcs, 20% discount will be given*.
see all there.
*t&c applied for subsequent discount.
emb editor.
Karnival Gegaria Harian Metro - Temerloh, 2&3 Okt 2010
Selamat Berhari Raya kepada semua. Semoga silaturrahim akan sentiasa berkekalan di dalam tradisi kunjung-mengujungi saudara, jiran & rakan-rakan yg sebati dengan maysyarakat Islam di negara kita ini.
eMuslimah Boutique akan mengadakan gerai promosi di Temeloh, Pahang sempena Karnival GegarRia Harian Metro seperti di bawah.
Detail karnival:
Lokasi : Taman Awam Kubang Gajah, Temerloh Pahang.
Tarikh : 2 & 3 Oktober 2010 (Sabtu & Ahad)
10.00 pagi - 10.00 malam
Anjuran : Harian Metro
Di jemput semua hadir untuk mengunjungi gerai kami di sana nanti. Potongan harga Hari Raya Aidilfitri masih lagi dikekal sehingga selepas karnival Gegar Ria ini. InsyaAllah, untuk model-model tertentu potongan harga istimewa akan di berikan.
emb editor.
Kelebihan Puasa Syawal
Hal ini didasarkan atas sabda Rasulullah SAW;
”Siapa yang berpuasa sebulan penuh di bulan Ramadhan, kemudian mengikutinya dengan puasa sunnah 6 hari di bulan Syawal, maka seakan-akan ia telah berpuasa sepanjang tahun” (HR. Muslim, at-Tirmidzi, Abu Dawud).
Menurut Yusuf al-Qardawi, puasa tersebut tidak harus dilaksanakan mulai pada hari kedua Syawal, boleh di pertengahan Syawal atau menjelang akhir bulan Syawal, boleh pula tidak berurut-urut selama 6 hari langsung.
Selamat beribadat & semoga ibadat kita sentiasa di terima oleh Allah swt.
eMB - Cuti Hari Raya
Makluman : eMB akan bercuti dari 9 --> 14 / sept. Tempahan masih boleh dibuat seperti biasa. Cuma, pengesahan dan penghantaran mungkin akan lewat & akan dibuat selepas 14 sept sahaja. Selamat bergembira di Hari Raya.
Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri
eMB ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Hari Raya Aidilfitri kepada kaum keluarga, sahabat, agen-agen and pelanggan kami yang sentiasa menyokong kami. Kami memohon ribuan kemaafan sekiranya ada kesalahan yg terjadi yang mengguris hati semua selama ini.
Semoga kedatangan Syawal ini membawa rahmah dan berkat yang berkekalan kepada kita semua di Dunia dan di Akhirat. Ameen.
Dari Kitab AL-Umm:
Imam Syafie r.a menegaskan bahawa malam Hari Raya itu adalah di antara malam-malam yang mudah diperkenankan doa, sebagaimana beliau berkata di dalam kitabnya Al-Umm: "Telah sampai kepada kami bahawasanya pernah dikatakan, sesungguhnya doa itu sungguh mustajab pada lima malam; malam Jumaat, malam Hari Raya Aidiladha, malam Hari Raya Fitrah, awal malam Rejab dan malam Nisfu Syaaban.
Memasuki 1/2 Akhir Ramadhan
Tanpa sedari, kita memasuki separuh kedua Bulan Ramadhan Al Mubarak. Ini bermakna, tidak lama lagi, kita akan bertemu dengan penghujungnya pula. Sama-samalah kita mencari kekuatan untuk meningkatkan amalan di bulan Ramadhan yg masih berbaki ini, semoga kita sentiasa mendapat rahmah dan perlindungan dari Allah swt di dunia dan di akhirat. Ameen.
Hadis Rasulullah saw:-
1) Rasulullah SAW telah bersabda yang maksudnya : Siapa yang berpuasa Ramadhan dengan penuh keimanan dan keikhlasan nescaya akan diampuninya segala dosanya yang telah lalu. ( HR Imam Nasai’e, Ibn Majah, Ibn Hibban dan Baihaqi-);
2) Barangsiapa memberi makan kepada orang yang berbuka puasa maka dia memperoleh pahalanya, dan pahala bagi yang (menerima makanan) berpuasa tidak dikurangi sedikitpun (HR Tirmidzi);
Semoga ia memberi manfaat kepada kita semua.
emb editor.
eMB - Qirani Distributor
eMB or eMuslimah Boutique (Butik eMuslimah) is Qirani's ( distributor in Malaysia. Agents / dealers are welcome. Minimum purchase are required for Agent. Attractive price will be given to agent base on qty ordered. No hidden/registration cost involved, just pay for the items and shipping cost.
refer to our website for more details :
Happy Ramadhan & May Allah guide us always.
eMB Editor.
Jalan Yang Lurus - Surah Al An'aam
Promotion at eMuslimah Boutique
Sila rujuk kepada website rasmi eMB di untuk mendapat potongan harga bagi barangan tertentu sempena menjelang Syawal ni. Kepada yg berminat, sila membuat tempahan awal supaya barangan tersebut boleh sampai sebelum hari raya.
Selamat berpuasa
emb editor
Ordering at eMuslimah
Due to fast stock movement, pls YM or email us at or call us at 013-3535-357 BEFORE proceed with your payment to ensure items that your ordered items are still available.
May Allah guide us always.... ameen.
emb editor.
Sunday preview
eMuslimah Online - GO LIVE
Assalamualaikum wbt,
After weeks of development and enhancement and learning, we are glad to inform all our customers and visitors, are ready to go live from today. To add to the happiness, we are launching our our website in this Ramadan al-Mubarak month, which is Month with full or Barakah from Allah swt. We will continue to update the content to help our customers and visitors to be able to navigate, communicate and do online ordering and transaction flawlessly. Those who made payment with Paypal by using credit card, we advice our customers to made full settlement before the dateline from bank to avoid interest charge by the bank which considered riba in Islam. Alternatively, you can choose manual or online transfer to our account with Maybank2u or CIMB bank.
emb editor.
Selamat Berpuasa / Happy Ramadhan
Assalamualaikum wbt,
Alhamdullillah, kita bersua lagi dengan Bulan Ramadhan yg penuh berkat ini. Butik eMuslimah ingin mengambil kesempatan ini untuk mengucapkan Selamat Berpuasa kepada seluruh ahli keluarga, kawan-kawan, pelanggan dan pelawat web dan blogspot kami. Semoga kita semua sentiasa di dalam pimpinan Allah untuk terus mngukir kejayaan di Dunia dan d Akhirat.
emb editor.
Ramadhan Menjelma - Selamat Berpuasa
Beberapa hari lagi Umat Islam akan menyambut bulan Ramadahn Al-Mubarak. Butik e Muslimah ingin mengambil kesempatana ini untuk mengucap Selamat Berpuasa dan Beribadat kepada semua ahli keluarga, kawan-kawan, pelanggan, yang memberi sokongan dan dorongan, pendapat, kepada warga Ria Family at yang membantu memperkenalkan kedai dalam talian kami, dan kepada semua yang melayari laman sesawang (website) kami. Kami juga ingin memohon kemaafan atas segala kekasaran bahasa, kesilapan yang terjadi @ tertulis oleh warga kerja eMB. Semoga bulan yang berkat ini akan melonjakkan kita semua ke jalan yang lebih berjaya dan diredhai oleh Allah di dunia dan di Akhirat.
Laman sesawang hampir siap dan InsyaAllah akan mula beroperasi sepenuhnya pada RAMADHAN ini. Kini website ini dalam peringkat akhir pembaikan sebelum beroperasi sepenuhnya.
emb editor.
eMB promotion is on going for the coming Ramadhan, do review our catalog & if your are interested with any models, do let us know to get the discount price. It also good, if you plan to buy as a GIFT to anyone that you love for this coming Hari Raya.
Happy celebrating the coming Ramadhan, may Allah accept our ibadah and place us together with the others that He loves 'Dunia' & 'Akhirat'.
emb editor.
Hadis - Silaturrahim
Hadis - Redha Allah & Redha Orang Tua
Dalam hadits yg diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari dalam Adabul Mufrad, Ibnu Hibban, Hakim dan Imam Tirmidzi dari sahabat Abdillah bin Amr dikatakan. “Ertinye : Dari Abdillah bin Amr bin Ash Radhiyallahu ‘anhuma dikatakan bahawa Rasulullah SAW bersabda, “Redha Allah bergantung kepada keredlaan orang tua dan murka Allah bergantung kepada kemurkaan orang tua” [Hadits Riwayat Bukhari dalam Adabul Mufrad (2), Ibnu Hibban (2026-Mawarid-), Tirmidzi (1900), Hakim (4/151-152)]
Jualan Murah & Promosi Ramadhan / Aidilfitri eMB
New Price Update in progress
Our value customers and visitor. Pls be inform, we are in process of updating our new price for our QIRANI COLLECTION. Sorry for any inconvenience... Stay tune.
Do also look out for our Ramadan & Aidilfitri promotion.... will be out very soon....
emb editor.
Cari Kerja?? - eMB sedang mencari pembantu muslimah
eMB sedang mencari pembantu muslimah untuk membantu di gerai (sekali-sekala) dan membantu butik dalam talian (online boutique). Sila hubungi kami di 013-3535-357 untuk maklumat lanjut. Kami mencari pembantu yg boleh dipercayai, ikhlas, sanggup berkerja sepenuh hati, bagus dalam komunikasi dan menutup aurat. Tempat tinggal, makan dan kenderaan boleh disediakan. Kebolehan dalam menggunakan perisian Microsoft office (words, power point dan excel) akan diberi keutamaan. Jika mempunyai lesen memandu - adalah lebih baik.
emb editor.
Looking for job - eMB looking for assistance
eMB looking for female assistance to manage our booth (occasionally) and online store. Do contact us directly at 013-3535-357 for more info. We are looking for honours, hard working female, good communication & wearing proper muslimah attire. Accomodation, food & transport can be provided. Good in microsoft office and email are preferred. If you have driving license, it will be plus.
emb editor.
New Posting / Shipping Rate - Post Malaysia
From July 1st' 2010 onward, Post Malaysia has increased the normal parcel shipping cost as below:
0.0 - 2.0kg : RM7.0 (P) ; 13.00 (SS)
2.0 - 2.5kg : RM8.5 (P) ; 17.50 (SS)
2.5 - 3.0kg : RM8.5 (P) ; 17.50 (SS)
3.0 - 3.5kg : RM10.00 (P) ; 20.50 (SS)
3.5 - 4.0kg : RM10.00 (P) ; 22.00 (SS)
4.0 - 4.5kg : RM11.50 (P) ; 25.00 (SS)
4.5 - 5.0Kg : RM11.50 (P) ; 26.50 (SS)
and so on...... (increase with each 0.5 Kg)
* P - Peninsular ; SS - Sabah & Serawak
we also updated this table in our 'how to buy tab' for easy reference.
emb editor.
Ordering at eMuslimah Boutique
Salam to our customer and visitor,
To help in ordering process, below are the guideline.
1. Email (to ) OR SMS to +6-013-3535-357, the detail of your order (Model No., Colour & Size, Quantity) & your address.
2. You will receive confirmation of your order (total amount of payment) from us
3. Make the payment; Deposit to MAYBANK account no: 164098504156 or CIMB acc no: 14160042806521 under name Nurhaslina Hasan.
4. Send us email / sms the name of the bank & time stated in the bank in slip
5. You will receive the confirmation from us on the shipment status.
For bulk (big qty) order, delivery might be longer depending on the stock in our inventory. However, we will inform you on that and will do our best to reduce the waiting time.
You are welcome to YM or call+6-013-3535-357 for any clarification.
emb editor
Trendy Shoes Collection has arrived
Some sampels of our new shoes collection (from QIRANI). We only bring in selected model.
It is very comfortable and suitable for daily use, casual wear or bring to office. Do contact us, if you are interested with any of the available models. The qty and size are very limited. Do act fast if you are interested.
emb editor
Bulk ordering or Raya Gift....????
We welcome any bulk order for corporate, group activities or just for family celebrations. Special discount will be given base on the qty ordered. If need us to print any logo or wording, do let us know - with reasonable price.
If you want to do any suprises to ANYONE that close to your heart, you can just place the order and let us know the address with simple instruction. We will do the rest.... (might need to add small additional cost for packaging..etc, depending on your request).
*Note: longer time might be needed, if you want to buy specific item in huge qty, depending on stock availability.
emb editor.
New Stock and New Models In House
New stock for trendy shirt including latest model has arrived. Our new shoes collection also already in house (limited stock). Do contact us for fast delivery. For our customers that ordered earlier, don't worry - your items will be on the way very soon.
emb editor.
Hadis Kelebihan Ramadhan
Beberapa hadis tentang kelebihan Ramadhan.
1- Dari Abu Sa'id al-Khudri r.a katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:"Setiap orang yang puasa satu hari kerana Allah, maka Allah akan menjauhkannya dari neraka sejauh 70 000 musim." (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
2- Dari Abu Ayyub al-Anshari r.a katanya, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda:"Sesiapa yang berpuasa pada bulan Ramadhan, kemudian diiringinya dengan puasa enam hari di bulan Syawal, maka yang demikian itu seolah-olah berpuasa sepanjang masa." (Hadis Riwayat Muslim)
Gerai at UiTM - Kampus Seroja
Just to update our 'gerai' at UiTM Shah Alam, at Campus Seroja. Thx to our sister and her friends for helping managing the 'gerai' for us.
Thx also to our agents that willing to travel far to meet us at UiTM, since we were there and also visiting our place to see us FTF for better silaturrahim. Apprieciate all the support.
wassalam, emb editor
New Collection of Muslimah Trendy Shirt
Some samples of our new trendy shirt collection. For more models, do refer to our complete listing at muslimah trendy shirt tab.
Feel free to browse and contact us for any enquiry at 013 3535 357 or
emb editor.
Ramadhan - The most waited month
Time fly. With or without our knowledge, it has a been almost a year (Islamic calendar) since we left the last Ramadhan (The month with full of rahmah from Allah SWT). In two more weeks, InsyaAllah, we will meet another Ramadhan. Hope we are preparing ourselft to embrace the coming Ramadhan to seek guidance and forgiveness from Allah swt and earn what was promised in the Hadith from Nabi Muhammad SAW.
The Prophet (peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said:“In Paradise there is a gate called al-Rayyaan, through which those who used to fast will enter on the Day of Resurrection, and no one but they will enter it. It will be said, ‘Where are those who fasted?’ They will get up, and none will enter it but them. When they have entered, it will be locked, and no one else will enter.” (al-Bukhaari, 1763; Muslim, 1947).
Abu Huraira reported Allah's Messenger (may peace be upon him) as saying: “When there comes the month of Ramadan, the gates of mercy are opened, and the gates of Hell are locked and the devils are chained.(Sahih Muslim Book 006, Number 2361)
It was narrated from Abu Salamah that Abu Hurayrah said: "The Messenger of Allaah (peace and blessings of Allaah be upon him) said: ‘Whoever fasts Ramadaan out of faith and seeking reward, his previous sins will be forgiven.’" (Narrated by al-Bukhaari, al-Eemaan, 37).
emb editor.
Malam Nisfu Syaban
Malam Nisfu Syaaban merupakan malam yang penuh berkat dan rahmat selepas malam Lailatul qadr. Saiyidatina Aisyah r.a. meriwayatkan bahawa Nabi saw tidak tidur pada malam itu sebagaimana yg tersebut dalam sebuah hadis yg diriwayatkan oleh Imam Al-Baihaqi r.a:
Rasulullah saw telah bangun pada malam (Nisfu Syaaban) dan bersembahyang dan sungguh lama sujudnya sehingga aku fikir beliau telah wafat. Apabila aku melihat demikian aku mencuit ibu jari kaki Baginda saw dan bergerak. Kemudian aku kembali dan aku dengar Baginda saw berkata dlm sujudnya, “Ya Allah aku pohonkan kemaafanMu daripada apa yg akan diturunkan dan aku pohonkan keredhaanMu daripada kemurkaanMu dan aku berlindung kpdMu daripadaMu. Aku tidak dpt menghitung pujian terhadapMu seperti kamu memuji diriMu sendiri.”
Setelah Baginda saw selesai sembahyang, Baginda berkata kpd Saiyidatina Aisyah r.a. “Malam ini adalan malam Nisfu syaaban. Sesungguhnya Allah Azzawajjala telah dtg kpd hambanya pada malam Nisfu syaaban dan memberi keampunan kpd mereka yg beristighfar, memberi rahmat ke atas mereka yg memberi rahmat dan melambatkan rahmat dan keampunan terhadap orang2 yg dengki.”
May Allah accept our Dua..
eMB Streamer & Banner (Std design)
Other Services for eMB Agent/Dealer
To help eMB agents & dealers in marketing their products, we will provide special package for below (do refer to 'contact us/other services' tab at for updated info from time to time):
1) Qirani catalog - available at RM5 per cataloq
- 1.1) Qirani muslimah trendy shirt (all models)
- 1.2) for Qirani kids (all models)
2) Streamer (colour, 1 side, 2' x5' ft, with 4 holes, std design) - RM35
- similar to the streamer that hang at the lamp post
3) Banner (colour, 1 side, 3' x 8' ft, with 4 holes, std design) - RM60
- good to hang in front of boutique for more visibility
* Std design: eMB fix photos, can change logo and contact number only.
* Need to add RM10 if need to change photos/design - requestor to provide info/new items (photos, map..etc)
* Other sizes can be arranged but need to add RM10, bcos no std design available at this moment.
* Price not include shipping cost
* Price subject to change, however, we will try to maintain as low as possible.
Do contact us at or 013 3535 357 for any enquiry.
We will try to add other items into our list in near future, to help and support our growing eMB family. Thx.
emb editor.
Hadis untuk renungan (Sahih Muslim No - 5260)
Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda: Tiga perkara yang akan mengikuti mayat dan dua daripadanya akan pulang. Hanya satu sahaja yang akan bersamanya dalam kubur. Perkara tersebut ialah: Kaum kerabat, harta benda dan amalannya. Semua kaum kerabat dan harta bendanya akan pulang, manakala yang kekal bersamanya ialah amalannya.
New Trendy Shirt Collection (M41-50) : Price added
Our valued customers and visitors, we have added price tag for our new collection. Pls browse through and do not hesitate to contact us or place online order for any model that you are interested.
emb editor.
eMB Promotion at UiTM Shah Alam: 23 - 25 July 2010,
This weekend eMB will open promotional booth at Kolej Seroja, UiTM Shah Alam in-conjunction with Hari Putri Seroja.. Welcome to visit us there.
emb editor.
Wednesday & 2 days to go promo price
Dear our valued customers and visitors.
To improve eMB online website experience, our currently in development & InsyaAllah, should be ready in 2 weeks time. It will have more features to help our customers and visitors for better navigation and make the ordering process easier. Stay tune for more update.
However, eMB blogspot will continue to be updated and and 'alive' as usual.
Pls also take note on our promotional price that will end tomorrow (22nd July 2010) 6PM. Do place the order now to get the instant saving (some models might be already out of stock).
emb editor
Hadis no 27 (Drpd 42 hadis himpunan Imam Nawawi)
drpd Kitab Matan Arba'in
Price for new Muslimah Trendy shirt collection
we are in process of adding price tag to our new Trendy Shirt collection, stay tune. The models should be available in our online store in 1 or 2 weeks (or earlier). Do comeback for more update.
Thank you very much for the enquiries.
emb editor.
eMuslimah Boutique contact & dealer added
We have added new tab for our store address, agents and dealers contact number in our blog. Do refer to the info provided to find nearest location in your area for inquiry or buying our collection. As always, you are welcome to order online at your suitable time, we will do our best to response within 24hrs.
Do visit us frequently for updated agent or dealer list from time to time. You are also welcome to join our big and expanding eMB family, just sent us a note to or ring us at 013-3535 357.
Have a great week ahead.
emb editor.
Map to Sg Petani Outlet added
Our valued customers and visitor. Map to our Sg Petani outlet added for reference. Do refer to 'contact us tab' for details.
(FYI - outlet close on friday)
emb editor.
4 days left to order at lower price
Dear our value customers, friends, family members and visitors,
eMuslimah Boutique promotional period approaching the dateline of 22nd of July 2010 or while stock last. 4 days left to order at lower price. Current price will only valid for transaction completed before 6PM on 22nd of July 2010 either we received through online payment (MAYBANK or CIMB) or we received fax copy of your payment.
FYI on the New Post Malaysia shipping rate as we pasted in out blog earlier at :
Thx you very much for your great support, opportunity, valueble advices, inputs given to us and also helping us in advertising eMuslimah Boutique collections to your friends and family.
emb editor.
New eMB Ooutlet at Sg Petani Kedah
Assalamualaikum wbt,
eMuslimah Boutique finally opened its 1st Mini Boutique at Sungai Petani, Kedah at Taman Lagenda Indah. Thank you very much to Makcik Khadijah for joining eMuslimah Boutique link and the 1st store in Kedah. For our customers at Sg Petani and around that area, you are welcome to visit the store if you are not comfortable for online ordering. Anyway, you are always welcome to order online.
Taman Lagenda Indah, Sg Petani (U) - refer to contact us for map.
(Along the road, on the left from Alamoda to Swiss In, Sg Petani)
emb editor.
Hadis untuk renungan
Dari Abi Tsa'labah Al-Khusani, Jurthum bin Nashir r.a, daripada Rasulullah SAW, yang bersabda : " Sesungguhnya Allah Ta'ala telah memfardhukan beberapa kewajipan, maka janganlah kamu mengabaikannya. Dan ia telah menetapkan beberapa hudud ( batasan ), maka janganlah kamu melampauinya. Dia telah mengharamkan beberapa benda maka janganlah kamu melanggarnya. Dan Dia telah mendiamkan beberapa pekara sebagai suatu rahmat terhadap kamu, bukan kerana lupa maka janganlah kamu membahas mengenainya. "
" Dari Kitab Matan Arba'in
Promotional period ....... approaching END
Note on our promotional period will end by 22nd July 2010. 8 Days to go.
Appreciate if you could use below form or call us directly at 0133535357 or email us for any order or enquiry and provide your contact number or email for eMB team to get in touch with you.
Have a pleasant week and may all of us always under guidance of Allah swt... Ameen.
emb editor.
Group ordering or JUST for GIFT
We welcome any bulk order for corporate, group activities or just for family celebrations. Special discount will be given base on the qty ordered. If need us to print any logo or wording, do let us know - with reasonable price.
If you want to do any suprises to ANYONE that close to your heart, you can just place the order and let us know the address with simple instruction. We will do the rest.... (might need to add small additional cost for packaging..etc, depending on your request).
Note: longer time might be needed, if you want to buy specific item in huge qty.
eMB editor.
Promotional Price to end VERY SOON
Dear our value customers, friends, family members and visitors,
eMuslimah Boutique promotional price will end very soon on 22nd of July 2010 or while stock last. If you are interested with any of the model, do place the order ASAP to avoid disappointment. Some of the models already out of stock - do act fast. Also take note on the New Post Malaysia shipping rate too as we pasted in out blog earlier at :
Thx you very much for your great support, opportunity, valueble advices, inputs given to us and also helping us in advertising eMuslimah Boutique collection to your friends and family.
Look fwd for your continuous support to eMuslimah Boutique & 'Semoga Allah sentiasa merahmati and memberkati kita semua di dalam apa juga bidang yg kita ceburi di dunia ini dan berkekalan sehingga ke Akhirat'. Amin.
emb editor
eMuslimah Boutique - Open store at Masjid Teriang, Bera, Pahang
After hectic day joining 'Karnival Belia' in Masjid Jame' Bandar Triang, Pahang. We are back to online biz till next event. Thx to Triang customers, friends and auntie that visited our store, some keep on coming back to re-order for different models. :) 1st time for us selling in open space and so happy able to see our outstation customers in person and involved in making the carnival more happening.
Anyone that have similar event, & would like to invite 'eMuslimah Boutique' , do let us know at InsyaAllah, will try our best to join, if no conflict with our schedule.
emb editor.
TRIANG, TEMERLOH, PAHANG. Here we come!!!!
InsyaAllah, eMuslimah Boutique will be in Triang, Temerloh, Pahang this weekend (Saturday: 10 July 2010) at Masjid Jame' Bandar Triang, Pahang.
Do visit us to directly purchase high quality and new design Telekung, Trendy Shirt, shoes etc..... see you there.
"InsyaAllah : Butik e Muslimah akan berada di Triang, Termerloh, Pahang pada hujung minggu ini (Sabtu : 10 July, 2010). Bertempat di Masjid Jame' Bandar Triang, Pahang..
Di jemput semua yg berdekatan mengunjungi kami, untuk berpeluang membeli telekung, 'baju T (trendy) muslimah, kasut yg berkualiti dengan design terkini dan @ barang2 lain yg di minati secara terus... jumpa di sana."
Quality is affordibility.
Terima kasih (Tq)
h/p: +6 013 3535 357
emb editor.
New Collection Added - Shoes & Trendy Shirt
We have added newly designed TRENDY SHIRT and shoes for you and your children in our online store catalog. Do browse for more collection and .... we will be waiting for your enquiry & order. Advance order might be needed to secure the design that you are intersted.
Price to be added soon, stay tune.
Thank. Wassalam.
emb editor
Hadis untuk renungan
Dari Abu Abdullah, Jabir bin Abdullah Al-Anshari r.a, bahawasanya telah bertanya seorang lelaki kepada Rasulullah SAW : " Apa pendapatmu jika saya menunaikan semua sembahyang fardhu, dan aku berpuasa sebulan Ramadhan, dan aku halalkan yang halal dan aku haramkan yang haram, dan aku tidak menambahkan suatu atas demikian itu, adakah aku masuk syurga? Jawab Rasulullah SAW : Ya. "
Dari Kitab Matan Arba'in
New collections for TRENDY SHIRT & SHOES
Dear valued customer and visitors.
eMuslimah Boutique are in final process of adding new collections/designs/models of TRENDY SHIRT and SHOES into our catalog. Happy browsing & do comeback in short while to review and ordering.
FYI : Our new (Primary) contact number : +6 013 3535 357
emb editor.
New shipping rate from Post Malaysia
Our valued customer and visitor.
From July 1st' 2010 onward, Post Malaysia has increased the normal parcel shipping cost as below:
0.0 - 2.0kg : RM7.0 (P) ; 13.00 (SS)
2.0 - 2.5kg : RM8.5 (P) ; 17.50 (SS)
2.5 - 3.0kg : RM8.5 (P) ; 17.50 (SS)
3.0 - 3.5kg : RM10.00 (P) ; 20.50 (SS)
3.5 - 4.0kg : RM10.00 (P) ; 22.00 (SS)
4.0 - 4.5kg : RM11.50 (P) ; 25.00 (SS)
4.5 - 5.0Kg : RM11.50 (P) ; 26.50 (SS)
and so on......
* P - Peninsular ; SS - Sabah & Serawak.
With this new shipping rate announcement, we will have to increase our shipping cost for each order as per weight bracket as provided by Post Malaysia. However, whenever possible, e Muslimah Boutique and it agents comitted to look for alternative shipping method to reduce the cost to our customer.
This new shipping cost will only impact new order to eMuslimahBoutique and it agents from 6th July 2010 onward & will NOT impact already confirmed order with us as we are commited to the price that aggreed earlier.
Thank you for your understanding.
emb editor.
Primary contact number for e Muslimah Boutique
To improve our communication with our customers, we are adding additional (primary) mobile phone number to contact us. Do call this number to communicate with e Muslimah Boutique directly.
New (Primary) Phone Number : +6 013 3535 357
Currrent phone number (+6 013 3555 300) stil contactable if you can't reach above number.
Thank you very much for your continuous support.
emb editor
New Collection - To be added (Shoes)
We are in progress of upading shoes collection into e Muslimah Boutique online store. Stay tune and do come to to review the collection in near future.
Agent application still open for everyone. Do not hesitate to contact us for any help.
Thx for your orders, questions and viewing
emb editor.
Pre - Hari Raya Aidifitri Order
eMB started opened for pre Hari Raya Aidifitri order. Do order earlier if you are interested with any of our model to avoid disapoinment. We are foreseeing high demand during that period.
emb editor.
Updated 'term & condition' for agent / dealer
New agent/dealer term and condition updated to help more agent/dealer able to get discount for bulk purchase. Pls refer to 'how to be our agent' tab.
Do contact us if you need further clarification..
emb editor.
Ordering for corporate or group activites or just for suprise gift
We are also welcome any bulk order for corporate, group activities or just for family celebrations. Special discount will be given base on the qty ordered. If need us to print any logo or wording, do let us know - with reasonable price.
If you want to do any suprises to ANYONE that close to your heart, you can just place the order and let us know the address with simple instruction. We will do the rest.... (might need to add small additional cost for packaging..etc, depending on your request).
have a wondeful day.
emb editor.
Ordering process - Buyer, Agent or Dealer
To help in ordering process, below are the guideline.
1. Email (to ) OR SMS to +6-013-3555-300 detail of your order (Model No., Colour & Size, Quantity) & your address.
2. You will receive confirmation of your order (total amount of payment) from us
3. Make the payment; Deposit to MAYBANK account no: 164098504156 or CIMB acc no: 14160042806521 under name Nurhaslina Hasan.
4. Send us email / sms the name of the bank & time stated in the bank in slip
5. You will receive the confirmation from us on the shipment status.
For bulk (big qty) order, delivery might be longer depending on the stock in our inventory. However, we will inform you on that and will do our best to reduce the waiting time.
You are welcome to YM or call+6-013-3555-300 for any clarification.
emb editor
Bendera Pengkhianat Di Hari Kiamat
Dari Abu Said r.a. katanya; Rasullullah saw bersabda " Di Hari Kiamat, setiap pengkhianat membawa sebuah bendera yg dikibarkan tinggi-tinggi sesuai dengan pengkhianatannya. Ketahuilah, tidak ada pengkhianatan yg lebih besar dari pengkhianatan seorang penguasa/pemimpin terhadap rakyatnya" (Hadis Sahih Muslim - Hadis No : 1721)
* sesungguhnya setiap orang dari kita adalah pemimpin
Additional Muslimah Pants Collections
We have added more Muslimah Pants Collections into our online store. 3 collections are available; Leasure, Casual & Executive Collections. Feel free to browse and do not hesitate to contat us for further information or ordering. Look forward to hear from you.
Thx for viewing.
emb editor
New collection added - Pants
We have added new collection (pants) into our online store. Feel free review and contact us if you interested with any of those.
We have collections for daily use and also for office or any formal occations. It made of high quality fabrics and strectable to increase comfort level when wearing it. It comes with different colors and sizes.
Stay tune for more update and we hope to hear from you soon on our new collections.
Have a wonderful weekend.
emb editor.
Combed & Carded Cotton
Some info on materials that used for our Trendy Shirt:
Carded Cotton: Carded is as process step in textile to remove most impurities and help in aligning the fibers to make them easier to spin. It will still some level of short cotton fibres and impurities. Without carding, cotton thread would be coarse and extremely fragile
Combed Cotton : Is an extremely soft version of cotton made by specially treating the cotton fibers before they are spun into yarn. As a general rule, combed cotton is slightly more expensive than conventional cotton. It extremely soft, strong material is ideal for clothing which will be worn against the skin.
Both are comfortable to wear, depending on your preference.
Generally, characteristic of cootton materials as below;
- coooling and a bit stiff when wearing it
- good to absorb sweat
- not advisable to dip with detergent more then 2 hrs
- need to rinse and dry fast to prevent damage
Tuntutan bekerja dalam Islam
“.. Dan bekerjalah, Wahai Keluarga Daud, sebagai tanda syukur (kepadaAllah) (QS 34;14)
“Dialah yang menjadikan bumi itu mudah bagimu, maka berjalanlah di segenap penjurunya dan makanlah sebahagian dari rezeki-Nya.” (QS 67: 15)
"Apabila telah dirikan solat, maka bertebaranlah kamu di muka bumi; dan carilah kurniaan Allah dan ingatlah kepada Allah sebanyak-banyaknya supaya kamu beruntung."( QS 62: 10)
e Muslimah Boutique Collection
e Muslimah Boutique are in process of adding more collections into our online store. Stay tune for more update in near future & look forward for your patronage and support. If you have any suggestion or request for any item that you are looking for, feel free to let us know. InsyaAllah, we will try our best to look for quality and realiable sources.
emb editor.
How to order (interested buyer, dealer or agent)
updated details for 'how to buy':
1. Email (to OR SMS (to +6-013-3555-300) detail of your order (Model No., Colour & Size, Quantity) & your address
2. You will receive confirmation of your order (total amount of payment) from us
3. Make the payment; Deposit to MAYBANK account no: 164098504156 or CIMB acc no: 14160042806521 under name Nurhaslina Hasan.
4. Send us email / sms the name of the bank & time stated in the bank in slip
5. You will receive the confirmation from us on the shipment status.
you are also welcome to YM or call+6-013-3555-300 for any clarification.
emb editor
Open for Dealers & Agents
(refer to the 'how to be eMuslimahBoutique Agent' tab).
New stock arrive
New stock for 'trendy shirt' have just arrived. Do refer to our cataloq & if you interested of any of those design, do contact us for ordering bcos some popular design are limited.
We are also accepting bulk order for company teambuiling, corporate acitivities or association. However, need to order ahead especially for same color & design and extra logo printing* (if needed). Price might be higher for extra printing,depending on the complexity of the printing.
Hadis untuk renungan
Daripada Tsauban r.a. berkata: Rasulullah saw. bersabda;
"Akan tiba suatu masa di mana bangsa-bangsa dan seluruh dunia akan datang mengerumuni kamu bagaikan orang-orang yang hendak makan mengerumuni talam hidangan mereka". Maka salah seorang sahabat bertanya "Apakah dari kerana kami sedikit pada hari itu?" Nabi s.a.w. menjawab, "Bahkan kamu pada hari itu banyak sekali, tetapi kamu umpama buih di waktu banjir, dan Allah s.w.t. akan mencabut rasa gerun terhadap kamu dari hati musuh-musuh kamu, dan Allah s.w.t. akan mencampakkan ke dalam hati kamu penyakit 'wahan"'. Seorang sahabat bertanya, "Apakah wahan itu hai Rasulullah?" Nabi Muhammad s.a.w. kita menjawab, "Cinta pada dunia dan takut pada mati".
Salam - Back In Biz
We are back in Malaysia and back in biz after 2 weeks of Umrah & Ziarah in Medina Al Munarwarrah & Mekah Al Mukarramah. Totally new experience to us to perform solat & 'ibadah' in The Two Holy Mosques (Al Haram & An Nabawi) for the 1st time.
Thx for all those that contacted us and emailed us during our absent, we will try our best to reply as soon as possible wrt your inquiry. Stay tune. For those that not able to contact us, you are always welcome to contact us back at and we would be very glad to reply to you.
Thx again.
eMuslimahBoutique Agent
Do refer 'how to be eMuslimahBoutique Agent' on the right tab.
Procedure added.
eMuslimahBoutique editor.
How to Buy??
If you interested with any of the collection, do order/book early or let us know your intention. Some model/size might be limited and only able to sent to you atfer 18th June.
You can visit below link or click the 'how to buy tab' on the right how to place an order.
Thx you for your support and look forward to see you again. Thx.
eMuslimahBoutique editor
Words for thought
tq Dr.
from editor.
New collection added
Welcome to eMuslimahBoutique
sorry for any inconveniences
website update in progress. stay tune...
Thx for visiting.
>> Still Under Construction
>> For any enquiry - do email us at below address :